I'm not going to blather on about how long it's been since my last post. To be honest, I hate feeling like I MUST do all the things. Life is just dang busy, and blogging was not a priority for me #sorrynotsorry.
I saw each of my girls graduate high school, and college x 2 and my youngest joined the Navy 2 years ago (HOOYAH! Just like her PopPop, my dad). My hubby and I moved into our dream home, and both my parents have passed away.
I'm grateful my parents are not alive during this Covid-19 pandemic--because I would be yelling at them on the daily because I know they would HATE the order to stay at home. STUBBORN. I miss them terribly, but glad they are in Heaven and not dealing with the craziness of dumb people and washing our hands/don't touch your face and trying to just get. some. dang. toilet. paper. #freakinghoarders
I work in a level one trauma center in a city of 2 million. We've reduced our surgery case-load by half. We haven't seen a lot of Covid-19 patients--but we're all bracing for impact. We're anticipating seeing a surge within two weeks. I have friends who have volunteered to work in NYC for a few weeks.
I miss eating out--bottomless chips and salsa lol. I'm tired of doing dishes. I am grateful my kids are grown and I am not home-schooling because I'd have fired myself on day 3. I miss my Chibi Pooh, our Bichon Frise who passed away last year. We'd get another one, but my husband, who gets to work from home 100% now would be the one potty training the dog while I'm at work most days. We'll wait until all this is over....maybe next year?
I'm grateful for online communities and groups via Facebook and Instagram, and my bestie Lydia (UnderstandBlue) who has this incredible service to provide the best watercolors--for a fraction of the price of full tubes--by panning and selling them through her blog and facebook page. AHHHmazing. Take all my money lol.
Stay safe, stay inside, wash your hands, don't touch your face.