
Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm taking a class! SQUEEEEE!

Hellllooooooooo there! I've been enjoying my SUMMER--yes, I work a job now that gives me my SUMMER OFF!! WHOOO HOOOO!!!!
Ok, enough gloating...

As you know, I'm on Twitter (see my twitter feed along the right side of my blog...scroll down....see?) and a few weeks ago heard a little twitter-chatter about a class that Claudine Hellmuth was teaching online through Big Picture Scrapbooking OMG so excited!!!! So, a few of my friends like Lydia (aka Understandblue)  and I are going to take Claudine's 12 week art class! I'm scrambling to get my supplies (our supply list was 2 pages long! SQUEEEEEEE!!!) and excited about our first assignment (HA to use that word...because it's going to be ALL FUN!!!) which begins July 1st. My only dilemma is I'll be working next week at the camp nurse at Camp Capers and will either start my first project while up at camp (most likely NOT since that job is pretty much 24/7 "on call") or just wait a few days and get messy at home.

My summer is flying by, I have camp next week, then working the Arts and Crafts for VBS, then STAMPIN' UP CONVENTION in Salt Lake City (SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!) and a cruise, Quakecon then my summer is over. Sigh. I think this will be the last summer that I JAM PACK it with fun stuff. BWAHAHAHA that sounds crazy!

Hope you're enjoying your summer! I've been stamping, I will post some pics soon, been having camera issues. My iphone doesn't take the best pics, you know HAHAHA

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